Social Action Committee

Social Action Committee

What moves you to be Christ’s helping hands? 

“Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for Me.”  Matthew 25.

Join us at the Mission’s Social Action Committee meeting held in the California Room on most of the 2nd Wednesdays of the month to share your passion, help with ongoing activities and start new initiatives. For information, to be added to the email list or to confirm the meeting date, contact Mark zu Hone, SAC chairperson at (below). The SAC’s serves our Parish through corporal works of mercy by providing compassionate service to people in need, education in the Church’s social teachings, and encouragement in prayer.

See the impact you could be a part of in our Mission Statement:

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Monthly Food/Loose Change Collections

First Weekends of every month!

All loose change placed in the collection basket during each Mass will benefit various designated organizations we support. Additionally, you can bring donations of several goods including:

  • Non-perishable food for Holy Family's Food Bank
  • Diapers(sizes newborn-6months) and infant formula to benefit Birthline
  • Paper products and biodegradable laundry soap for the North County Aids Project.
  • Large bags of beans and rice to assist women who provide for the poor in Tecate.

Collection boxes for the food and diapers will be at the courtyard entrance to the Mission Church and at the St. Francis Chapel. 

Christmas Giving Tree: Over 300 items including toys, books, and games were delivered to Holy Family, 100 bath towel sets for residents of Stella Apartments, and an additional four car loads of toys and bath towel sets were delivered to Catholic Charities Immigration Center after Holy Family completed their collection.

Food Drive: Two full carloads of food were delivered to Holy Family Food Pantry, another car load was delivered to Stella Apartments, and 150 pounds of rice & beans went to help feed the poor of Tecate, MX as part of a multi-parish support effort.

Rachel’s House: The Social Action Committee provided a tamale dinner from El Indio, for 35 women, including desserts, drinks, and paper goods for the dinner, and small goody bags.

Social Action Committee Fund Raiser: Our “Keep Christ In Christmas” magnet fundraiser and “Meet and Greet” sold 200 magnets. Those funds will go towards our many community outreach programs.

Check out the pictures of your donations we delivered!

Once again, THANK YOU! for your tremendous generosity toward those less fortunate during this Christmas season.

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