Our aim is to help our high school youth engage in their Catholic faith. For most, we prepare them to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. This preparation is a **two-year program. Once confirmed, a youth has the opportunity to join our *Core Team to support the next upcoming Candidates. Also, we welcome youth who have already received their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, & First Holy Communion) at an earlier age: After all, Faith Formation does not stop after Sacraments are received!
Beginning July 1, 2023, Level 8 Faith Formation is a prerequisite for students seeking to enroll in Confirmation Preparation - Level 1. Level 8 Faith Formation can be taken here at the Mission San Diego or any other Catholic parish. The requirement is also fulfilled by students who have successfully completed grade 8 in a Catholic elementary school or an approved home school Faith Formation program.
The goal is to ensure that all high school students beginning Confirmation Preparation have a solid and common foundation in the faith when preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. Experience tells us that students who have not been enrolled for at least one year in a Faith Formation process prior to starting Confirmation Prep - Level 1 have a difficult time “keeping up” with students who have been enrolled in Faith Formation programs and have completed Level 8 Faith Formation.
When? Sundays 4:00 - 5:20 pm, September through May.
Where? La Sala, accessible from the Rose Garden; & the Fr Serra Room, located in the Religious Ed Building
*Core Team Members are enriched with valuable experience in discipleship. You help make the Catholic faith accessible and relatable to your peers. This is a way to live out the call of your own Confirmation! Plus, earn volunteer hours for school.
Interested in being a member of Core Team?
Contact us! (see below)
Director of Catechetical Ministry, Carol Gamara, at (619) 624-0900, or cgamara@missionsandiego.org.
Administrative Assistant, Catechetical Ministry, Erin Dalton, at (619) 640-0481, or edalton@missionsandiego.org.
All families must be registered at Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcalá. Otherwise, they must provide a letter from their pastor at their local church that gives them permission to have their child receive faith formation at Mission San Diego de Alcalá.
2. We need a copy of each student's Baptism and First Communion Certificates (unless we already have a copy on file)
3. Sponsor Form should be submitted by the January of first year of Confirmation Prep. For Confirmation Year 2, sponsor forms must be submitted by the first day of class. Please contact us when you need a Sponsor Form and/or more information regarding Sacramental Sponsorship.
4. Submit Forms via...
5. Registration Fees (does not include Weekend Retreat)