That means if you contact us ready for your child to receive a Sacrament, we will not accept preparation done in private which had no oversight by a pastor or Director of Catechetical Ministry (aka Director of Religious Education)
Policy Highlights:
"In situations where some families choose to “home school” their children, it must be understood that these efforts cannot be done independently of the parish."
"The primary responsibility of parents for the education and formation of their children in the Faith cannot be interpreted in an isolated way, since the family is an integral part of the larger ecclesial community. All religious education must be carried out in a way that builds unity within the Church. No home schooling can be tolerated which does not promote the understanding that being a Christian is not a private matter of individual choice but rather of a personal vocation within the context of the Church lived out in the experience of the parish community."
"Home schooling parents are responsible for the participation of their children/young person in the immediate sacramental preparation as required or approved by the parish, through interviews for sacramental readiness, practice for sacramental celebrations, appropriate initiation rites and retreats."
"Home schooling parents must participate in parish parent meetings and parent preparation programs for the sacraments."
"Parents have the responsibility to participate in catechetical formation so that they will be able to prepare their child/young person for the sacraments, in collaboration with the parish community. This is supported by Canon Law (780)."
"With regard to the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation parents must ensure that their children/young people are correctly prepared and connected to the local parish."
"As parishioners, families are expected to participate in the parish Sunday liturgy."
"The pastor and *DCM will require a periodic progress report to be made by home school parents."
*That is, Director of Catechetical Ministry, aka, Director of Religious Education
"The parish DCM should serve as a resource to parents. Recommended textbooks and other appropriate materials must be used in all sessions. The Catechism of the Catholic Church and the General Directory for Catechesis are excellent resources for parents and catechists."